Inferential Statistics(12)-Non-parametric tests


Inferential Statistics(12)-Non-parametric tests

1. Non-parametric statistics

  • t-test
    • to compare 2 independent means
      • Assumptions
        • independent observations(random assignment/selection)
        • normally distributed?(one-sided test) (usually > 30)
    • A quantitative response variable has a categorical explanatory variable.
      • Assumptions
        • Independent random samples(random sampling or a randomized experiment)
        • normal population distributions with equal standard deviations.(n in each group ≧ 10)
  • t-test vs. ANOVA

    1. t-test 只关注两组样本直接的差异。ANOVA关注多个样本
    2. t-test 假设两组样本均值相等,置信区间为两组差值范围。 ANOVA假设factor(Categorical variable)导致多个样本组均值,置信区间可用t-test计算.
    3. t-test为t分布。ANOVA为F分布。
  • Non-parametric statistics

    • do not assume a particular form of distribution, such as the normal distribution, for the population distribution.

      • 对于总体/样本正态性未知或非正态分布

        • 小样本<20

        • 排列参数(Ordinal/rank)

      • 正态分布检验

2. Wilcoxon Test: Comparing Mean Ranks(Two independent samples)

The test comparing two groups based on the sampling distribution of the difference between the sample mean ranks.

  • Assumptions

    • Independent random samples from two groups
      • random sampling
      • randomized experiment
  • Hypotheses:

    • \[H_0= Identical\ population \ distributions \ for \ the \ two \ groups \\ (this \ impllies \ equal \ population \ mean \ ranks.)\]
    • \[H_a = Different \ population \ mean \ ranks \ (two-sided) \\ H_a = Higher \ population \ mean\ rank\ for \ a \ specified \ group \ (one-sided)\]
  • Test statistic:

    • Difference between sample mean ranks for the two groups
  • P-value

    • One-tail or two-tail probability depending on Ha, that the difference between the sample mean ranks is as extreme or more extreme than observed.
  • Conclusion

    • Interpret in context

3. Large-Sample P-Value Use a Normal Sampling Distribution(Z-test)

Using the normal distribution for the large-sample(n>20) test does not mean we are assuming that the normal distribution for the response variable has a normal distribution. We are merely using the fact that the sampling distribution for the test statistic is approximately normal.

  • Z-test \(z = (difference\ between \ sample \ mean \ ranks)/ se\)

  • P-Value

    • Asymp.Sig.(two-tailed)

4. Nonparametric Estimation(CI) Comparing Two Groups

  • Additional assumption

    • the population distributions for the two groups have the same shape.
  • Point estimate for group difference

5. Wilcoxon rank-sum test(Mann-Whitney U test) (Two independent samples)

  • U-test

    • where R1 = sum of the ranks for group 1 and R2 = sum of the ranks for group 2.

  • In every test, we must determine whether the observed U supports the null or research hypothesis. This is done following the same approach used in parametric testing. Specifically, we determine a critical value of the smaller U such that if the observed value of U is less than or equal to the critical value, we reject H0 in favor of H1 and if the observed value of U exceeds the critical value we do not reject H0.

  • U-table

6. Kruskal-Wallis Test: Comparing mean ranks of several group

  • Assumptions:

    • Independent random samples from several groups, either from random sampling or a randomized experiment.
  • Hypotheses:

    • \[H_0: Identical \ population \ distributions \ for \ the \ g \ groups \\ H_a: Population \ distributions \ not \ all \ identical\]
  • Test statistic:

    • Uses between-groups variability of sample mean ranks

    • \[K=(\frac{12}{n(n+1)})\sum n_i(\overline{R_i}-\overline{R})^2\]
      • Ri = sample mean rank
      • R = the combined sample mean of g groups
      • n = total number of data points
      • df = g-1
  • P-value

  • Conclusion

    • If the P-value is small, to find out which pairs of groups significantly differ, we could follow up the Kruskal-Wallis test by a Wilcoxon test to compare each pair.

7. Sign test: Comparing Matched Pairs(Dependent samples)

  • Assumptions

    • Random sample of matched pairs for which we can evaluate which observation in a pair has the better response.
    • pretend the equal data points do not exist
  • Hypotheses

    • \[H_0: Population \ proportion \ p \ = \ 0.5 \\ H_a: \ p ≠ 0.5 \ (two -sided) \\ or \ H_a: \ p> 0.5 \ or \ p<0.5 \ (one-sided)\]
  • Test statistic

    • \[Z = \frac{(\hat{p}-0.5)}{se} \\ se = \sqrt{(0.5)(0.5)/n}\]
  • P-value

    • for large samples(n>30), use tail probabilities from standard normal. (z-score)

    • for smaller n, use binomial distribution

8. Wilcoxon Signed-Rank test: Ranking and Comparing Matched Pairs(Dependent samples)

  • Assumption

  • Random sample of matched pairs for which the differences of observations have a symmetric population distribution and can be ranked.

  • Hypotheses

    • \[H_0: Population \ median \ of \ difference \ socres \ is \ 0 \\ H_a: Population \ median \ of \ difference \ scores \ in \ not \ 0 \ (one-sided \ also \ possible)\]
  • Test statistic

    • Rank the absolute values of the difference scores for the matched pairs
    • find the sum of ranks for those differences that were positive
  • P-value

    • a P-value based on all the possible samples with the given absolute differences
    • for large samples, it uses an approximate normal sampling distribution.
  • Conclusion

    • the smaller W such that if the observed value of W is less than or equal to the critical value, we reject H0 in favor of H1 and if the observed value of W exceeds the critical value we do not reject H0.
  • Notes:

9. Spearman ranked correlation

  • Correlation coefficient = standardized measure of association

Pearson Spearman
Parametric Non-parametric
[-1,1] [-1,1]
1. linear association
2. variables are bivariate normally distributed
3.sensetive to outliers and skewedness
1. non -linear association
2. measures strength of monotonic function(单调函数)
3. ordinal variable
4. can contain outliers
5. non-normal distribution is okay

10. Runs Test for Randomness

A runs test is a statistical procedure that examines whether a string of data is occurring randomly from a specific distribution. The runs test analyzes the occurrence of similar events that are separated by events that are different.

  • A run is a succession of identical values or labels which are followed and preceded by different values or labels.

  • two variation form

  • run test properties

    • only consider binominal data

    • numerical data

      • values above/below mean
      • increasing/decreasing values

    • more than two categories

      • aggregate to two
    • ordering is crucial

      • don’t re-arrange data
  • runs test

    count number of runs in the data.

    • group sizes: m or n <10 :arrow_right: probability table
    • m or n > 10 :arrow_right: z-test
        • total sample size N = m + n