Basic Statistics - (12) Hypotheses and Significance Tests
1. Hypotheses(由样本出现概率反推假设是否成立)
expectations about population
An hypothesis is formulated as a claim that a population parameter takes a particular value or falls within a specific range of values.
Null-hypothesis testing
- H0: null hypothesis
- the parameter you’re interested in takes a specific value.
- will be rejected if the data in your sample suggest that it is a highly unlikely expectation.
- Ha: alternative hypothesis
- the parameter you’re interested in falls within an alternative range of values.
- failing to reject your null hypothesis DOESN’T mean that the null hypothesis is true.
- H0: null hypothesis
2. Proportion hypothesis(z-score)
- Significance level(α):
- one-tail:0.05
- two-tail:0.025 (most)
3. Step by step plan
One warning:
4. Mean Significane test and Confidence interval
2 methods of Inferential statistics
confidence intervals \(\\ \overline{x}\pm{t_{95\%}}(SE) \\where \ SE = \frac{S}{\sqrt{n}}\)
significance tests
\(\\ t = \frac{\overline{x}-\mu_0}{SE} \\where \ SE = \frac{S}{\sqrt{n}}\)
the conclusion between CI and HT
5. Type I and Type II error
Type I
- H0 为真,却被拒绝。
- 原因
- 选取样本太过极端会导致这种错误。(p<0.5)
- 解决方案
- Significance level(α)减小,作出错误判断的概率越小。
Tpye II
- H0为假,却被接受。
- 选取假设太过极端会导致这种错误。
The relation between Tpye I and Type II
6. Example
- always check the assumption
- always draw the sample distribution and check the critical value.
7. Limitations of ST
- When a P-value is small, the significance test indicates that the hypothesized value is not plausible, but it tells us little about which potential parameter values are plausible.
- “Do not reject H0” does not mean “Accept H0.”
- Statistical significance does not mean pratical significane.
- A small P-value does not tell us if the parameter value differs by much in pratical terms from the value in H0.
- The P-value cannot be interpreted as the probability that H0 is true.
- It is misleading to report results only if they are “statistically significant.”
- Some tests may be statistically significant just by chance.
- True effects may not be as large as initial estimates reported by the media.