Basic Statistics - (05) Probability & Randomness
Randomness is not a property of a phenomenon.
Humans are not very good in assessing randomness.
Gambler’s fallacy
Over-interpretation of randomness
**When someone sees patterns which do not really exist, this is known as apophenia. ** Apophenia can take a wide range of forms, from thinking that the same number turns up too often to be mere coincidence to seeing a man in the moon.
Humans are bad in constructing random data.
- Random sampling by software
Persistence pays off.
Persistence beats the odds.
The Law of Large Numbers大数定理
Independent trial: 独立试验
Experiment: 实验
- consists of independent trials which are repeated many times.
a way to quantify randomness.
Sample Space 样本空间
- 随机试验E的所有基本结果组成的集合为E的样本空间。样本空间的元素称为样本点(node)或基本事件(Event)。
- probability = 1
- A subset of the sample space
- probability = 0~1
quantify probabilities 事件发生概率测量
- Experiments
- Specify plausible assumptions(Reasoning)
Tree diagram
How to calculate?
- A tree diagram makes thinking about SMALL problems easy.
A tree diagram requires specification of probabilities at each node.
- Instances equally likely and independent from previous choices.(只有当事件独立且具有稳定概率时才有效!!!)
Basic set-theoretic concepts
disjoint/mutually exclusive event独立/互斥事件: two or more events in a sample space that do not share any outcomes.
- one case of an event is happening and the other(s)(互补事件) is not happening.
- probability <= 1
Collectively exhaustive events完备/穷尽事件: multiple events which together fill up the complete sample space.
- probability = 1
维恩图(英语:Venn diagram),或译Venn图、文氏图、温氏图、范氏图,是在所谓的集合论(或者类的理论)数学分支中,在不太严格的意义下用以表示集合(或类)的一种草图。
Probability Practice
Union of events (合集&并集)
3. Joint and Marginal Probabilities
Joint Probabilities
probabilities for the intersection of certain outcomes of the variables
Marginal Probabilities
probabilities for an outcome of each individual variable
4. Conditional Probabilities 条件概率
The probability of an event, given that another event occurs.
P(A|B) = P(A and B)/P(B)
Independent & Non-independent Joint Probability
- P(A and B) = P(B) * P(A|B)
5. Independence between random events
- P(A|B) = P(A) or P(B|A) = P(B)
- P(A and B) =P(A) * P(B)
Disjoint vs. independent events 互斥事件 vs. 独立事件
- 能否AB都发生,我有一只宠物,既是猫又是狗。不可能,这是互斥事件。
- 老王周末有20%概率吃川菜,80%概率喝可乐,他一边吃川菜一边喝可乐概率是3%,吃川菜和和可乐是互相不影响的独立事件吗? 20% X 80% = 16% ≠ 3%
- 可能川菜太辣,老王改喝酸奶,或者老王喜欢搭配啤酒,这两件事情互相有影响。
- 如果他一边吃川菜一边喝可乐概率是16%,这两件事就是独立事件,喝可乐不影响吃辣,吃川菜不影响买可乐。
作者:大猫布丁 链接: 来源:知乎 著作权归作者所有。商业转载请联系作者获得授权,非商业转载请注明出处。
6. Bayes’ Law 贝叶斯定理
Conditional probability = the Probabilities of A in a reduced sample space B
The relationship between marginal, conditional and joint probabilities
Bayes’ Law
贝叶斯的统计学中有一个基本的工具叫贝叶斯公式、也称为贝叶斯法则, 尽管它是一个数学公式,但其原理毋需数字也可明了。如果你看到一个人总是做一些好事,则那个人多半会是一个好人。这就是说,当你不能准确知悉一个事物的本质时,你可以依靠与事物特定本质相关的事件出现的多少去判断其本质属性的概率。 用数学语言表达就是:支持某项属性的事件发生得愈多,则该属性成立的可能性就愈大。
- 启发: 当新的信息产生时,需要对原始观点进行修正,但也不能下绝对定论。因此,人需要不断学习新知识,从而创造条件改善自己的观念。同时,也不能轻易从新的信息中下结论,需要考虑背景信息、以往经验等(这是最难的)。因此,需要通过数学来在不确定中,寻找相对确定的答案。 总结古人的一句话:“学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆。”