Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Using Python


Week one: Introduction to Python

  1. What does a computer do?

    Calculations and Store

  2. Types of Knowledge

    Declarative knowledge is statements of fact.

    Imperative knowledge is a recipe or “how-to” knowledge

  3. What is a recipe?

    1. sequence of simple steps

    2. flow of control process that specifies when each step is executed

    3. a means of determining when to stop

      STEPS 1+2+3 = an algorithm

  4. Aspects of LANGUAGES

    numbers,strings,simple operations.

    • syntax

      • English:”Cat dog boy” > not syntactically valid

        ​ “Cat hugs boy” > syntactically valid

      • Programming language: “hi” * 5 > not syntactically valid

        3.2 * 5 > syntactically valid
  5. Where things go wrong

    • syntactic errors
    • static semantic errors
    • no semantic errors but different meaning than what programmer intended
  6. Objects

    • Programs manipulate data objects

    • Objects have a ==type== that defines the kinds of things programs can do to them.

    • objects are

      • scalar (cannot be subdivided) 标量(有数值,无方向)
      • non-scalar(have internal structure that can be accessed)
    • Scalar objects

      • int — integers整数型:5
      • float — real numbers浮点型: 3.27
      • bool— BOOLEAN VALUES布尔型: True and False
      • NoneType — special and has one value: None
  7. ‘for’ loop

    >>> for n in range(5):